Analysis and Optimization of Energy Coproduct Opportunities within an Industrial Park: A visual case study of the Bécancour Industrial Park
Leo Lamy-Laliberte
Ecole Polytechnique Montreal
ISIE abstract number: 537
Category: Visual
Creative abstract:
Energy and Flows, a Visual Guide of the creation of an EIP in Bécancour Canada
Scientific abstract:
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of quantitative tools for the analysis and optimization of industrial symbioses and by-product exchange networks. However, while there is a significant amount of literature on the optimization of material exchanges, there is less literature on the optimization of energy exchanges. This research addresses this gap by focusing on the specific problem of optimizing energy exchanges in the Bécancour industrial park, Québec, Canada. The analysis of literature shows that existing tools do not fully address all necessary considerations, such as long-term investment and profitability for individual actors. To address this issue, we extended the capabilities of a model and validated the resulting tool in the specific case of the Bécancour industrial park. More specifically, the project adapts a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model called AnyMOD.jl to optimize industrial symbiosis and energy by-product exchange. For instance, the proposed model has been enhanced to incorporate forecasting of future energy outflows through the application of concepts from time series analysis. Additionally, constraints have been added and modified to reflect the properties of physical infrastructure required for facilitating energy exchanges. Furthermore, the model has been adapted to include a stochastic approach, not present in the original. Our goal is to identify the optimal network of economically viable energy by-product synergies between industrial companies. The optimization model considers various aspects such as the long-term energy consumption profile of companies, the supply and demand of energy by-products within the industrial park and economic factors associated with the engineering requirement of the implementation of such a network including capital and operational expenditures of infrastructures. In other words, the model finds the optimal composition of an energy exchange network by combining energy conversion technologies, energy storage solutions, possibilities of mutualizing infrastructure, energy by-product flows treatment and the potential of adding complementary companies. To conduct the research, multiple interviews were conducted with industrial actors within the Bécancour industrial park to gather data about their energy and production profile. This information was then used to model their energy by-product flows over a 10-year period. Other parameters used in the algorithm include investment and operation costs associated with the exchange of energy by-products and multiple functions depicting the dynamic nature of the innovation in terms of conversion and storage technologies. The output of the model is then further investigated in a techno-economic study that provides valuable insights into the technical feasibility and profitability thresholds for the industrial park's actors, making it a valuable tool for decision-making and planning for industrial parks looking to implement circular economy strategies and significantly reduce their environmental impact. Preliminary results show that the adjusted model can find an optimal network for economically viable synergies leading to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and an increase in energy efficiency. In specific circumstances, some synergies can even have the potential to increase the maximum production capacity for certain industrial companies, giving the solution the potential to increase competitiveness.